This Hanna-Barbera animated video tells a version of the Bible story about Esther, whose heroism is commemorated annually by the feast of Purim. Esther, a Jewish orphan girl, is chosen by King Ahasuerus of Persia to be his queen.
Unfortunately the movie Queen Esther is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Don Lusk | Director |
Directing | Ray Patterson | Director |
Writing | Kay Wright | Adaptation |
Production | Kay Wright | Producer |
Sound | Vaughn Johnson | Music |
Editing | Tom Gleason | Editor |
Editing | Gil Iverson | Editor |
Editing | Tim Iverson | Editor |
Production | Kris Zimmerman | Casting |
Production | Jayne Barbera | Executive In Charge Of Production |
Production | Wayne Dearing | Production Supervisor |
Production | Cathy Peza | Production Manager |
Production | Jerry Smith | Production Supervisor |
Sound | Hoyt Curtin | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Bodie Chandler | Music Director |
Editing | Terry Moore | Supervising Editor |