Based on a Japanese manga, Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu, this story revolves around Kang Han-na, an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous Korean pop singer who actually lip syncs as she cannot sing. After getting humilitated publicly by an ungrateful Ammy, Han-na undergoes an extreme makeover to become a pop sensation herself.
Unfortunately the movie 200 Pounds Beauty is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Kim Seon-jeong | Writer |
Directing | Kim Yong-hwa | Director |
Visual Effects | 크리스토퍼 버고인 | Visual Effects |
Writing | Kim Yong-hwa | Screenplay |
Writing | Noh Hye-young | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Kim Byeong-gi | Special Effects Supervisor |
Sound | Lee Seung-chul | Sound Supervisor |
Production | Won Dong-yeon | Producer |
Editing | Park Gok-ji | Editor |
Sound | Lee Jae-hak | Original Music Composer |
Costume & Make-Up | Song Jong-hee | Makeup & Hair |
Production | Bang Chu-Seong | Producer |
Art | Jang Geun-yeong | Production Design |
Production | Choi Moon-seok | Line Producer |
Production | Jeong Tae-sung | Executive Producer |
Camera | Park Hyeon-cheol | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Jung Sung-jin | Visual Effects Director |