Etsuko - a typical Japanese high school student, who's unlucky in love, an academic failure, and plain bored with life. That's until one day, the view of a boat gliding gracefully in the sea inspires her to take up the oar. Since she's rejected by her school's all-male rowing team, she decides to form her own all-women team. Nothing will ever be the same again.
Unfortunately the movie Give It All is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Itsumichi Isomura | Director |
Production | Akifumi Takuma | Producer |
Production | Masayuki Suō | Producer |
Production | Daisuke Sekiguchi | Associate Producer |
Production | Shôji Masui | Producer |
Camera | Yuichi Nagata | Director of Photography |
Art | Keiji Yoshinuma | Production Design |
Writing | Itsumichi Isomura | Writer |
Editing | Jun'ichi Kikuchi | Editor |
Writing | Yoshiko Shikimura | Writer |