An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war through the eyes of three youngsters. The three have a series of adventures which include saving a soldier from being captured by the Germans, helping out the resistance fighters, and meeting up with a young Russian woman trained in guerrilla warfare. As they learn more about life and danger, various circumstances constantly recall the reality of war itself. The title comes from a wounded pigeon under the care of one of the youngsters.
Unfortunately the movie The Song of the Grey Pigeon is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Albert Marenčin | Story |
Writing | Albert Marenčin | Screenplay |
Writing | Ivan Bukovčan | Story |
Writing | Ivan Bukovčan | Screenplay |
Camera | Vladimír Ješina | Director of Photography |
Sound | Zdeněk Liška | Original Music Composer |
Art | Ivan Vaníček | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Žofia Králová | Costumer |
Costume & Make-Up | Anna Liďáková | Costumer |
Costume & Make-Up | Michal Jurkovič | Makeup Artist |
Sound | Rudolf Pavlíček | Sound |
Production | Gejza Maráky | Production Manager |
Directing | Jozef Režucha | First Assistant Director |
Directing | Alica Demčíková | Assistant Director |
Camera | Benedikt Krivošík | Assistant Camera |
Camera | Alfréd Kern | Assistant Camera |
Crew | Milan Peťovský | Special Effects |
Art | Gabriela Jurechová | Assistant Production Design |
Art | Milan Tardík | Property Master |
Editing | Vincentína Klenovská | Assistant Editor |
Sound | Bohumír Brunclík | Sound Effects |
Production | Viliam Čánky | Line Producer |
Production | Boris Jurech | Production Assistant |
Production | Emil Bandík | Production Assistant |
Crew | Klotilda Kováčová | Script |
Lighting | Ambróz Serina | Gaffer |
Camera | Milan Kordoš | Still Photographer |
Sound | František Belfín | Conductor |
Sound | Štěpán Koníček | Conductor |
Directing | Stanislav Barabáš | Director |
Editing | Maximilián Remeň | Editor |