Thirteen-year-old Ernest Chin lives and works at a sleazy hourly-rate motel on a strip of desolate suburban bi-way. Misunderstood by his family and blindly careening into puberty, Ernest befriends Sam Kim, a self-destructive yet charismatic Korean man who has checked in. Sam teaches the fatherless boy all the rites of manhood.
Unfortunately the movie The Motel is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Michael Kang | Writer |
Directing | Michael Kang | Director |
Writing | Ed Lin | Novel |
Production | Miguel Arteta | Producer |
Production | Karin Chien | Producer |
Production | Matthew Greenfield | Producer |
Production | Gina Kwon | Producer |
Production | Eden J. Shapiro | Executive Producer |
Production | Esther Shapiro | Executive Producer |
Production | Richard Alan Shapiro | Executive Producer |
Production | George Huey | Co-Executive Producer |
Editing | David Leonard | Editor |
Editing | Colleen Sharp | Editor |
Production | Susan Shopmaker | Casting |
Art | Ernesto Solo | Production Design |
Art | Shane Valentino | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Sarah Beers | Costume Design |
Camera | Lisa Leone | Director of Photography |
Sound | Nathan Larson | Original Music Composer |