In the year 1590, the mighty warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi is close to fulfilling his ambition of unifying all of Japan under his banner when he comes across unexpected resistance in the form of a floating fortress known as Oshi Castle. Narita Nagachika, a frivolous hedonistic fellow and unlikely candidate for the position of rebel general, finds himself in charge of defending the castle. His odds? An army of 500 men to combat Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army of 20,000.
Unfortunately the movie The Floating Castle is not yet available on HBO Max.
Visual Effects | Minami Tsujino | Visual Effects |
Visual Effects | Katsuro Onoue | Special Effects Supervisor |
Visual Effects | Tetsuo Ôya | Visual Effects Producer |
Directing | Shinji Higuchi | Director |
Directing | Isshin Inudo | Director |
Writing | Ryo Wada | Screenplay |
Sound | Kôji Uno | Music |
Editing | Soichi Ueno | Editor |
Art | Norihiro Isoda | Production Design |
Art | Noriyuki Kondo | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Akihiko Inamura | Costume Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Kazuta Matsunaga | Costume Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Mitsuru Otsuka | Costume Design |
Sound | Jun'ichi Shima | Sound Designer |
Visual Effects | Atsuki Sato | Visual Effects |
Lighting | Takashi Sugimoto | Gaffer |
Production | Kazuya Hamana | Executive Producer |
Production | Masao Teshima | Executive Producer |
Production | Osamu Kubota | Producer |
Production | Miyuki Tanaka | Co-Producer |
Production | Yoko Ide | Co-Producer |
Production | Tamako Tsujimoto | Co-Producer |
Sound | Kagenobu Kuwahata | Music Producer |
Sound | Hiroji Miyamoto | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Toshiyuki Ishimori | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Seiji Takamidori | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Yoshiyuki Tomiga | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Ichirô Nobukuni | Executive Producer |
Production | Masao Nagai | Production Supervisor |
Camera | Motonobu Kiyoku | Director of Photography |
Camera | Shôji Ehara | Director of Photography |