Instant Mommy follows the story of Bechayda, a two-months-pregnant wardrobe assistant for TV commercial production. In the fear of losing her Japanese lover and her dreams of a better life, she embarks on a plan that will get herself out of her predicament. Or so she thinks.
Unfortunately the movie Instant Mommy is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Leo Abaya | Director |
Writing | Leo Abaya | Screenplay |
Writing | Jeffrey Jeturian | Screenstory |
Writing | Chris Martinez | Screenstory |
Production | Kris Aquino | Producer |
Sound | Teresa Barrozo | Music |
Crew | Nor Domingo | Cinematography |
Crew | Dexter Dela Peña | Cinematography |
Crew | Jan Tristan Pandy | Cinematography |
Editing | Glenn Ituriaga | Editor |
Art | Marxie Maolen Fadul | Art Direction |
Art | Digo Ricio | Production Design |
Sound | Albert Michael Idioma | Sound Engineer |