The lives of five seemingly unrelated lost souls intertwine in Sweden’s chilly capital in this delicate and wryly funny ensemble film. A precocious yet untalented young writer, a friendless advertising genius, a tight-lipped workaholic, a shy upper-class boy with a secret crush, and a recently dumped young woman all come to realize hard truths about love and life over the course of several days.
Unfortunately the movie Stockholm Stories is not yet available on HBO Max.
Editing | Fredrik Morheden | Editor |
Art | Roger Rosenberg | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Emma Gauffin | Costume Design |
Directing | Karin Fahlén | Director |
Writing | Erik Ahrnbom | Screenplay |
Production | Martina Stöhr | Producer |
Camera | Mattias Rudh | Director of Photography |
Sound | Nathan Larson | Original Music Composer |