The story revolves around the college graduate class of 1992. In 2006, working in different corners of the world, the friends get together for a class reunion to revive the joy and laughter of their student days. Shockingly, on the night of the reunion, one of the classmates is almost murdered and goes into a coma.
Unfortunately the movie Classmates is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | James Albert | Writer |
Sound | Alex Paul | Music |
Directing | Lal Jose | Director |
Sound | Sujatha Mohan | Playback Singer |
Sound | Pradeep Palluruthy | Playback Singer |
Production | P. K. Muraleedharan | Producer |
Sound | M. G. Sreekumar | Playback Singer |
Sound | Franco Simon | Playback Singer |
Art | Gokul Das | Art Direction |
Production | Prakash Damodaran | Producer |
Sound | Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma | Songs |
Sound | Manjari | Playback Singer |
Camera | Rajeev Ravi | Director of Photography |
Sound | Cicily | Playback Singer |
Sound | Jyotsna Radhakrishnan | Playback Singer |
Editing | Ranjan Abraham | Editor |
Sound | Vineeth Sreenivasan | Playback Singer |