In this affectionate, leisurely paced comedy, an Odessa policeman is out walking his beat when he discovers an adorable infant abandoned in a cabbage patch. He does his duty and takes the baby to an orphanage, but later he and his wife, who have an unusually affectionate and cozy relationship, decide to try and adopt the little one. What they must go through to accomplish that goal is anything but straightforward.
Unfortunately the movie The Sentimental Policeman is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Kira Muratova | Director |
Editing | Valentina Oleynik | Lead Editor |
Writing | Yevhen Holubenko | Screenplay |
Writing | Kira Muratova | Screenplay |
Camera | Gennady Karyuk | Director of Photography |
Art | Yevhen Holubenko | Art Direction |