Kurt Hoffmann's film adaptation of Tucholsky's eponymous novella is situated in 1910s Berlin: The aspiring editor Wolf runs into Claire by chance. Both are attracted to one another, yet they are not entirely certain about their feelings. They embark on a trip to Rheinsberg to assure themselves about their sentiments. And indeed, the time spent in the romantic provincial town brings clarity to their situation.
Unfortunately the movie Rheinsberg is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Kurt Hoffmann | Director |
Production | Heinz Angermeyer | Producer |
Production | Kurt Hoffmann | Producer |
Production | Artur Brauner | Associate Producer |
Sound | Hans-Martin Majewski | Music |
Camera | Richard Angst | Director of Photography |
Editing | Gisela Haller | Editor |
Writing | Herbert Reinecker | Writer |
Writing | Kurt Tucholsky | Novel |