Felix has been raised by his grandmother and has never met his father. His father Johan, doesn't even know he exists. Felix decides to become a regular in his father's bar in Amsterdam to secretly learn more about the man he has never known.
Unfortunately the movie Drawn Out Love is not yet available on HBO Max.
Camera | Wiro Felix | Director of Photography |
Writing | Boudewijn Koole | Screenplay |
Production | Dennis Overeem | Casting |
Writing | Helena van der Meulen | Writer |
Production | Boudewijn Koole | Producer |
Production | Eva Visser | Line Producer |
Art | Fleur Ankone | Art Direction |
Directing | Anouk Sluizer | Assistant Director |
Directing | Boudewijn Koole | Director |
Production | Marc van Bree | Casting |
Editing | Gys Zevenbergen | Editor |
Production | Regier Kappers | Producer |
Production | Joost Van Schie | Production Manager |
Art | Elsje de Bruijn | Art Direction |