Filmed in French Polynesia with a Hawaiian cast, the story revolves around the adventures and romances of a young Polynesian boy as he grows up. As a child he raises and trains a baby shark as a pet, which he shares with his island playmate Diana. After a decade the three are reunited, but the world has changed: Tiko and Diana have become adults; the shark has become a dangerous man-eater; and civilization has encroached on the tropical island.
Unfortunately the movie Tiko and the Shark is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Italo Calvino | Writer |
Directing | Folco Quilici | Director |
Writing | Ottavio Alessi | Writer |
Writing | Augusto Frassinetti | Writer |
Writing | Folco Quilici | Writer |
Writing | Clement Richer | Novel |
Sound | Francesco De Masi | Original Music Composer |