Liang Po Po: The Movie is a Singaporean film directed by Jack Neo in 1999. It stars the comedian director Jack Neo himself, who cross-dresses as the titular old lady, which in English is translated as "Granny Neo". Liang Po Po, a lovable 85 year old granny, decides to leave the Old Folks Home in search of a new life. Believing that she can still contribute to the good of the society, the determined old lady sets on a path where she soon realizes how her trusting and naïve nature can be used against her.
Unfortunately the movie Liang Po Po: The Movie is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Eric Khoo | Executive Producer |
Production | David Leong | Co-Producer |
Production | Jacqueline Khoo | Co-Producer |
Production | Daniel Yun | Executive Producer |
Editing | Lawrence S. Ang | Editor |
Production | Jack Neo | Executive Producer |
Crew | Yoke Weng Ho | Cinematography |
Directing | Teng Bee Lian | Director |
Writing | Jack Neo | Screenplay |