This film depicts a series of landmark events in the life of hapless thespian Antonio Hutter (Alessandro Haber), the unfortunate fictional alter-ego of legendary actor Alessandro Haber. This surreal faux-biography begins with Hutter's birth in Bologna, Italy, and his early life in the Middle East and follows him through the highs and lows of his acting career, using a combination of interviews with real-life colleagues, archival footage and improvised scenes along the way.
Unfortunately the movie La vera vita di Antonio H. is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Enzo Monteleone | Director |
Editing | Cecilia Zanuso | Editor |
Writing | Enzo Monteleone | Writer |
Writing | Enzo Monteleone | Story |
Writing | Alessandro Haber | Co-Writer |
Camera | Arnaldo Catinari | Director of Photography |
Sound | Mimmo Locasciulli | Original Music Composer |
Art | Francesco Priori | Production Design |
Art | Cinzia Lo Fazio | Interior Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Maria Giovanna Caselli | Costume Designer |
Production | Gianfranco Piccioli | Producer |