In a world devoured by an invisible force known as disenchantment, the stories of three characters intertwine: Diego, who tries to make a movie about the dreams of Ximena, an adolescent experiencing her sexual awakening, who is secretly in love with him and who, in order to help him in his bizarre project, leads him to Ainda, a conceptual artist with bat wings, with whom the naïve filmmaker falls madly in love. Ainda is attracted by the purity of the young people and seduces them both, which leads to a magical moment in the lives of all three. But soon the young people discover that their beloved harpys heart belongs to a being from beyond the grave. Then the idyllic relationship of the three characters begins to crumble and they do everything in their power to prevent it, as the dark force of disenchantment closes over the city.
Unfortunately the movie Stories of Disenchantment is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Lino Nava | Original Music Composer |
Costume & Make-Up | Junior Paulino | Costume Design |
Crew | Carlos Arango De Montis | Cinematography |
Visual Effects | Mario Zarazúa | Visual Effects |
Art | Lorenza Manrique | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Mario Zarazúa | Makeup Artist |
Sound | Ricardo Cortés | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Lena Esquenazi | Sound Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Ivonne Fuentes | Costume Design |
Directing | Luisa Cárdenas | Assistant Director |
Editing | Felipe Gómez | Editor |
Editing | Alejandro Valle | Editor |
Production | Luisa Cárdenas | Producer |
Production | Inna Payán | Producer |
Production | Alejandro Valle | Producer |
Production | Raúl Trujillo | Producer |
Editing | Roberto Bolado | Editor |
Directing | Felipe Gómez | Co-Director |
Production | Lorenza Manrique | Post Producer |
Crew | Celia Iturriaga | Post-Production Manager |
Sound | Isabel Muñoz | Sound |
Production | Ana Buenrostro | Producer |
Production | Juan Cristian Ortega | Post Production Coordinator |
Production | Víctor Zavala Kugler | Producer |
Production | Felipe Gómez | Producer |
Directing | Alejandro Valle | Director |
Production | Gilberto Trujillo | Producer |