"Agaton & Mindy" tells the story of two young dancers from different background. Mindy (Louise De Los Reyes) is from rich family and suffers from depression. Agaton (Chase Vega) is from poor family and is searching for his mother (Dina Bonnevie) who abandoned him while he was a young child. Both meet in a dance class handled by Tanya Dolokhov (Cherie Gil) who pairs them up in a dance recital. A brilliant and devotional teacher, Tanya encourages her students to tap into their wild sides for inspiration, and this is also the time when their romance blossoms... (filmasia.blogspot.com)
Unfortunately the movie Agaton & Mindy is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Lore Reyes | Screenplay |
Directing | Peque Gallaga | Director |
Writing | Peque Gallaga | Screenplay |
Writing | Vicente Garcia Groyon | Screenplay |
Writing | Peque Gallaga | Story |