The bizarre adventures of the cartoon character Foska, drawn by 22 animators working in collaboration. Each animator worked on his or her own sequence only and did not know what action preceded or followed his or her sequence, except that the first drawing of a sequence is the last drawing from the previous sequence. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.
Unfortunately the movie Anijam is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Marv Newland | Director |
Visual Effects | Max Bannah | Animation |
Visual Effects | Brad Caslor | Animation |
Visual Effects | Anne Chevalier | Animation |
Visual Effects | Sally Cruikshank | Animation |
Visual Effects | Paul Driessen | Animation |
Visual Effects | Hal Fukushima | Animation |
Visual Effects | Kazunari Furuya | Animation |
Visual Effects | Zdenko Gašparović | Animation |
Visual Effects | Zlatko Grgić | Animation |
Visual Effects | Mark Kausler | Animation |
Visual Effects | Per Lygum | Animation |
Visual Effects | Guido Manuli | Animation |
Visual Effects | Wayne Morris | Animation |
Visual Effects | Dieter Mueller | Animation |
Visual Effects | Frank Nissen | Animation |
Visual Effects | Janet Perlman | Animation |
Visual Effects | Kathy Rose | Animation |
Visual Effects | Gordon Stanfield | Animation |
Visual Effects | Frank Terry | Animation |
Visual Effects | Paul Vester | Animation |
Visual Effects | Kaj Pindal | Animation |