16 Years of Alcohol is a 2003 drama film written and directed by Richard Jobson, based on his 1987 novel. The film is Jobson's first directorial effort, following a career as a television presenter on BSkyB and VH-1, and as the vocalist for the 1970s punk rock band The Skids.
Unfortunately the movie 16 Years of Alcohol is not yet available on HBO Max.
Camera | John Rhodes | Director of Photography |
Writing | Richard Jobson | Writer |
Production | Richard Jobson | Producer |
Production | Wouter Barendrecht | Executive Producer |
Production | Hamish McAlpine | Executive Producer |
Production | Michael J. Werner | Executive Producer |
Editing | Giannis Halkiadakis | Editor |
Production | Mark Burton | Producer |
Directing | Richard Jobson | Director |
Sound | Keith Atack | Original Music Composer |