A character-driven, political-thriller documentary that explores the volatile events that defined Alberto Fujimoris decade-long reign of Peru: His meteoric rise from son of poor Japanese immigrants to the presidency; his fateful relationship with the shadowy and Machiavellian Vladimiro Montesinos; his self-coup that dissolved overnight both Congress and the Judiciary.
Unfortunately the movie The Fall of Fujimori is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Ellen Perry | Producer |
Sound | Juan Peralta | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Steve Bissinger | Sound Designer |
Writing | Ellen Perry | Writer |
Crew | James Kenney | Title Graphics |
Crew | Christian Storms | Second Unit |
Production | Robert Mailer Anderson | Producer |
Directing | Ellen Perry | Director |
Production | Stephen Moffitt | Executive Producer |
Writing | Zack Anderson | Writer |
Sound | Steve Bissinger | Supervising Sound Editor |
Editing | Kim Roberts | Editor |
Sound | Mark Adler | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Kim Roberts | Writer |
Camera | Mel Henry | Director of Photography |
Camera | Junji Aoki | Director of Photography |
Camera | Ellen Perry | Director of Photography |