This narrated computer animation, with an original musical score, illuminates cellular mitosis. DNA self-replicates; chromosomes divide into two daughter cells; but it begins with a hormone entering the nucleus of a cell.
Unfortunately the movie Voyage Inside the Cell is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Laurent Larsonneur | Director |
Writing | Laurent Larsonneur | Writer |
Writing | Christian Sardet | Writer |
Writing | Andreas Koch | Writer |
Crew | Joanna Horobin | Thanks |
Crew | Ted Rosengarten | Thanks |
Crew | Dana Sardet | Thanks |
Crew | Dominique Petry | Thanks |
Crew | Francis Roux-Serret | Software Engineer |
Sound | Laurent Rodier | Sound Engineer |
Editing | Arnaud Lambert | Editor |
Production | Andreas Koch | Executive Producer |