In this drama, an American art student is trapped amidst the political turmoil of war-torn Europe while visiting Paris and staying at the fabulous Ritz hotel. Rather than cope constructively with it all, the fellow opts to ignore it and continue living the high-life for as long as possible.
Unfortunately the movie The Man Who Lived at the Ritz is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | A. E. Hotchner | Novel |
Writing | Gordon Cotler | Teleplay |
Directing | Desmond Davis | Director |
Crew | Michel Norman | Stunts |
Crew | Daniel Breton | Stunts |
Production | Bill McCutchen | Executive Producer |
Production | Frank Agrama | Producer |
Directing | Pascal Salafa | Second Assistant Director |
Production | Riccardo Tozzi | Producer |
Production | Serge Touboul | Production Manager |
Crew | Joël Venon | Stunts |
Sound | Skaila Kanga | Musician |
Production | Henri Spade | Producer |
Crew | Nella Barbier | Stunts |
Directing | Laurent Brégeat | First Assistant Director |
Sound | Otto Snel | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Crew | Leonard B. Rosman | Legal Services |