Kageko, a teacher in a small mountain village with a thriving Japanese paper industry, is visited by a former student, who proposes a plan to manufacture counterfeit money. She initially refuses, but eventually decides to join the project for the sake of the poor children in the village and her own mentally handicapped child.
Unfortunately the movie Counterfeit is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Yuichi Kimura | Director |
Production | Harushi Mizukami | Producer |
Production | Tetsujirô Yamagami | Producer |
Writing | Yuichi Kimura | Co-Writer |
Writing | Kazuhiko Ogasawara | Story |
Writing | Tetsujirô Yamagami | Story |
Writing | Kishū Izuchi | Screenplay |
Art | Tetsuo Harada | Art Direction |
Camera | Yoshihiro Ikeuchi | Director of Photography |
Editing | Tsuyoshi Imai | Editor |
Sound | Ikuro Fujiwara | Original Music Composer |
Art | Toshihiro Isomi | Production Design |
Writing | Kosuke Mukai | Screenplay |
Art | Hideshi Nakagomi | Decorator |