Following the events of Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card, Kero and Spinel share a plate of takoyaki (octopus balls). They get into a fight over who gets the last piece, and in the process send it flying out the window. They both chase the takoyaki, and each other, in a mighty effort to be the "takoyaki captor".
Unfortunately the movie Leave it to Kero! is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Masayuki Kojima | Director |
Writing | Morio Asaka | Story |
Crew | Nanase Okawa | Creator |
Writing | Nanase Okawa | Screenplay |
Crew | Satsuki Igarashi | Creator |
Crew | Mokona Apapa | Creator |
Crew | Tsubaki Nekoi | Creator |
Camera | Hisao Shirai | Director of Photography |