Karski & The Lords of Humanity is a feature-length partially animated documentary project. The film tells the story of a member of the Polish underground who acted as a courier during World War II and whose most prominent mission was to inform the Allied powers of Nazi crimes against the Jews of Europe in an effort to prevent the Holocaust.
Unfortunately the movie Karski & The Lords of Humanity is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Sławomir Grünberg | Director |
Camera | Sławomir Grünberg | Director of Photography |
Writing | Sławomir Grünberg | Screenplay |
Writing | Katka Reszke | Screenplay |
Writing | E. Thomas Wood | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Radosław Rekita | Visual Effects |
Art | Amelia Florczak | Title Designer |
Production | Zbigniew Adamkiewicz | Supervising Producer |