This documentary follows superstar Bret Hart during his last year in the WWF. The film documents the tensions that resulted in The Montreal Screwjob, one of the most controversial events in the history of professional wrestling, in which Vince McMahon, Shawn Micheals, and others, legitimately conspired behind the scenes to go against the script and remove Bret Hart as champion.
Unfortunately the movie Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Paul Jay | Writer |
Directing | Paul Jay | Director |
Editing | Manfred Becker | Editor |
Production | David M. Ostriker | Executive Producer |
Sound | Tihm Clement | Original Music Composer |
Production | Silva Basmajian | Producer |
Sound | Colin Cripps | Original Music Composer |
Production | Amy Briamonte | Executive Producer |
Sound | Russell Walker | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Joan Hutton | Director of Photography |
Production | Paul Jay | Producer |
Production | Sally Blake | Producer |