Roy Del Espacio (aka Roy From Space) was a Mexican animated movie directed by Hector Lopez Carmona, Rafael Angel Gil and Ulises P. Aguirre that was in production from 1979 to 1982, being released in theaters in Mexico City in 1983. However, the end result was apparently of really poor quality, so much that the movie was pulled from theaters only two days after its premiere. The movie was never broadcast on TV nor released on home video, and information about it or its creators is almost nonexistent. The only surviving visual information is a promotional poster containing both original art and a black and white still from the movie.
Unfortunately the movie Roy del espacio is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Ulises Pérez Aguirre | Producer |
Writing | Ulises Pérez Aguirre | Screenplay |
Sound | Ernesto Cortázar Jr. | Music |
Sound | Ricardo Saldívar | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Gonzalo Gavira | Sound Effects Editor |
Editing | Lilia Lupercio | Negative Cutter |
Directing | Héctor López Carmona | Director |
Visual Effects | Laura López G. | Animation |
Visual Effects | Luis A. Galván | Animation |
Visual Effects | Andrea Pérez M. | Animation |
Visual Effects | Alejandro Mata | Animation |
Art | Graciela Mata | Background Designer |
Art | Rubén López | Background Designer |
Art | Clara Mata | Background Designer |
Art | Yolanda García | Background Designer |
Art | Leonardo Magdaleno | Background Designer |