A collection of shorts spun off from the movie "Night Time Picnic" that take place on the day before the movie's events. On the last day of high school, ten young people explore their feelings while participating in a "walking festival" in which 1000 people walk 80 km over the course of the day. This collection includes 9 episodes by 6 directors, including "Murishi" starring Mikako Tabe and "Unrequited Length" starring Rosa Kato.
Unfortunately the movie Preparing For the Picnic is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Satoshi Isaka | Director |
Directing | Takayoshi Watanabe | Director |
Directing | Masahiko Nagasawa | Director |
Directing | Norio Tsuruta | Director |
Directing | Ten Shimoyama | Director |
Directing | Masayuki Miyano | Director |