Bicycle Touring: The Movie

Bicycle Touring: The Movie (2015)

Bicycle Touring - The How-To Movie...There is nothing else like it. Bicycle Touring: The Movie is the only feature length how-to bicycle touring film in the world.

  • Genre: Adventure, Documentary
  • Release Date: 2015-03-14
  • Runtime: 0h 43min
  • Language: English
  • Production Company: Bicycle Touring Pro
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • Director: Darren Alff


Some people think: the process of planning and preparing for a bicycle tour is a long and complicated undertaking that requires months of research and years of physical training. The reality is: Bicycle touring is easy… as long as you know what to pack, how to plan out your route, and how to schedule out your days. If you’re the type of person that learns by seeing (rather than reading)… and you’d like to learn the basics of bicycle touring as fast as humanly possible, then Bicycle Touring: The Movie is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Bicycle Touring: The Movie Trailer

Is Bicycle Touring: The Movie on HBO Max?

Unfortunately the movie Bicycle Touring: The Movie is not yet available on HBO Max.

Directing Darren Alff Director
Production Bicycle Touring Pro Producer
