Based on the original novel by Tokuda Shusei, adapted by frequent Masumura scribe Kaneto Shindo, this downbeat melodrama features a battle of women for the affections and commitment of the same man, a handsome car salesman. Masuko is the number one hostess at a cabaret, living with her lover, ... but finds out that he has a wife. When Masuko’s niece arrives the competition further ratchets up.
Unfortunately the movie Stolen Pleasure is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Yasuzō Masumura | Director |
Editing | Tatsuji Nakashizu | Editor |
Writing | Shusei Tokuda | Novel |
Art | Tomoo Shimogawara | Art Direction |
Camera | Setsuo Kobayashi | Director of Photography |
Sound | Sei Ikeno | Original Music Composer |
Lighting | Nagaharu Watanabe | Lighting Technician |
Writing | Kaneto Shindō | Screenplay |
Sound | Toshikazu Watanabe | Sound Recordist |