The story follows Jamie, a troubled young man with a birthmark on his face, which has left him feeling isolated and fearful, hiding from the world outside. He lives in the East End of London, an area notorious for its violent hooded gangs. According to news reports, the gangs are now wearing demon masks. But, one night, Jamie discovers the terrifying truth.
Unfortunately the movie Heartless is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Philip Ridley | Writer |
Directing | Philip Ridley | Director |
Crew | Sian Milne | Stunts |
Production | Richard Raymond | Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | Jo Thompson | Costume Design |
Production | Manuel Puro | Casting |
Production | Pippa Cross | Producer |
Sound | David Julyan | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Matt Gray | Director of Photography |
Art | Ricky Eyres | Production Design |
Editing | Chris Gill | Editor |
Editing | Paul Knight | Editor |
Production | Jeremy Zimmermann | Casting |