Within the chambers of a desolate house, a solitary servant tends to his invalid master. Tangibly detailed period design and hauntingly lifelike puppetry unearth the dreamworld of Poe.
Unfortunately the movie The Tell-Tale Heart is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Louise Ford | Sound Editor |
Art | Chelsea Carter | Prop Designer |
Writing | Edgar Allan Poe | Short Story |
Production | Sam Eggers | Production Assistant |
Directing | Robert Eggers | Director |
Editing | Louise Ford | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Robert Eggers | Costume Design |
Production | Maura Anderson | Producer |
Writing | Robert Eggers | Screenplay |
Production | Mike Neal | Producer |
Art | Robert Eggers | Production Design |
Camera | Jarin Blaschke | Director of Photography |
Production | Max Eggers | Production Assistant |
Sound | Damian Volpe | Sound Editor |
Sound | Louise Ford | Music Editor |