Black comedy "What's Your Emergency?" is a mockumentary style story about the police headquarters. Redundancy intimidate officials are working diligently as ever, but the call-outs this month will not give them a break. Moreover, one of the officials gets caught in the workplace-using stolen and evidence room kept drugs. Explosions, shootings, helicopters, love, erotic, music stars, movie stars and much more.
Unfortunately the movie What's Your Emergency? is not yet available on HBO Max.
Crew | Ronaldas Buožis | Cinematography |
Directing | Tadas Vidmantas | Director |
Writing | Tadas Vidmantas | Writer |
Directing | Robertas Kuliūnas | First Assistant Director |
Writing | Jonas Navickas | Writer |
Editing | Justinas Vencius | Color Timer |
Production | Deividas Misiulis | Executive Producer |
Sound | Vytis Puronas | Supervising Sound Editor |
Visual Effects | Vytautas Kazlauskas | Digital Effects Producer |
Production | Ieva Černiauskaitė | Producer |
Crew | Leonidas Kotikas | Stunts |