Corruption, assassination and street rioting surround the story of the award-winning film, Power Trip, which follows an American multi-national trying to solve the electricity crisis in Tbilisi, capital of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Power Trip provides insight into today's headlines, with a graphic, on-the-ground depiction of the challenges facing globalization in an environment of culture clash, electricity disconnections and blackouts.
Unfortunately the movie Power Trip is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Paul Devlin | Director |
Crew | Paul Devlin | Cinematography |
Production | Paul Devlin | Producer |
Editing | Paul Devlin | Editor |
Crew | Valery Odikadze | Cinematography |
Sound | Patrick Donahue | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Benny Mouthon | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Editing | William Charlton | Editorial Production Assistant |
Editing | Luciana Fernandes | Editorial Production Assistant |
Editing | Neil Gegna | Editorial Production Assistant |
Editing | Darryl Thurston | Editorial Production Assistant |
Crew | Zurab Kazishvili | Translator |
Crew | Nestan Vardiashvili | Translator |