Mega star Akira Kobayashi stars as Jiro in the rambunctious tale of a chef who opens a restaurant in the busy Ginza district. His culinary skills and dashing good looks bring in the women as well as unwanted trouble, while an explosive political scandal builds around his girlfriend’s business...
Unfortunately the movie The Tokyo Mighty Guy is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Buichi Saitō | Director |
Directing | Tatsumi Kumashiro | Assistant Director |
Writing | Tsuyoshi Ishigôoka | Screenplay |
Writing | Kenrō Matsuura | Story |
Production | Masatoshi Kurihashi | Production Manager |
Art | Kimihiko Nakamura | Art Direction |
Production | Kaneo Iwai | Producer |
Sound | Taichiro Kosugi | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Kuratarō Takamura | Director of Photography |
Sound | Tsugio Yonezu | Sound |
Editing | Mitsuo Kondō | Editor |