Documentary produced by Laverne Cox. The hour-long documentary follows the lives of seven transgender youths. They hail from New York, New Orleans and Baltimore and range in age from 12 to 24 years old, but they share common obstacles and joys.
Unfortunately the movie The T Word is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Marshall Eisen | Executive Producer |
Production | Stephen K. Friedman | Executive Producer |
Production | Chris McCarthy | Executive Producer |
Production | Noopur Agarwal | Producer |
Production | Casey Acierno | Producer |
Production | Cheryl Sirulnick | Executive Producer |
Production | Michael Hirschorn | Executive Producer |
Sound | Daniel Nidel | Sound Mixer |
Production | Laverne Cox | Executive Producer |
Production | Betsy Forhan | Executive Producer |
Directing | Laverne Cox | Director |