The horrors of a shipwreck, the bells of aforgotten lighthouse and the coming and going of the tides surround a tale about the sea. 'Sailor’s Grave' is the result of a workshop based on a work method taking its inspiration from the exquisite corpse game, a mechanism of collective creation where the participants manipulate and transform one another's drawings to construct an intuitive, improvised narration.
Unfortunately the movie Sailor's Grave is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Vuk Jevremović | Director |
Directing | Richard Reeves | Director |
Production | Isabel Herguera | Producer |
Directing | Juan Camilo González Jiménez | Director |
Editing | Koldo Almandoz | Editor |
Directing | José Belmonte | Director |
Directing | Wang Liming | Director |
Crew | Eduardo Elosegi | Cinematography |
Sound | Xabier Erkizia | Music |
Sound | Gianmarco Serra | Music |
Directing | Carlos Santa | Director |
Directing | Cecilia Traslaviña | Director |
Directing | Koldo Almandoz | Director |
Directing | Cheng Kemei | Director |
Visual Effects | Isabel Herguera | Animation |
Directing | Isabel Herguera | Director |
Writing | Vuk Jevremović | Writer |
Writing | Koldo Almandoz | Writer |
Writing | Isabel Herguera | Writer |