A suburban town is faced with a series of bizarre incidents in which children disappear and three days later an adult in their life dies. A mysterious "child whisperer" phantom appears before journalist Shunya, who is investigating the incidents, and his girlfriend Naomi.
Unfortunately the movie Innocent Curse is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Takashi Shimizu | Director |
Production | Takuya Kitazawa | Production Assistant |
Writing | Brazily Anne Yamada | Screenplay |
Writing | Takashi Shimizu | Screenplay |
Sound | Yuri Habuka | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Mitsuaki Fujimoto | Director of Photography |
Editing | Hiroki Nishigata | Editor |
Directing | Naoyoshi Kawamatsu | Assistant Director |
Art | Nori Fukuda | Art Direction |
Lighting | Hitoshi Egawa | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Kazuhiro Kurihara | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Kenji Shibasaki | Sound Effects |
Sound | Mami Takaishi | Music Producer |
Production | Shingo Sekine | Executive Producer |