A hilarious mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
Unfortunately the movie Otaku no Video is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Hiroyuki Yamaga | Writer |
Directing | Takeshi Mori | Director |
Sound | Fusanobu Fujiyama | Sound Director |
Directing | Shoichi Masuo | Director |
Crew | Toshio Okada | Script |
Writing | Toshio Okada | Screenplay |
Sound | Kikuko Inoue | Theme Song Performance |
Visual Effects | Takeshi Honda | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Yasuhito Kikuchi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Hidenori Matsubara | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Kenichi Sonoda | Character Designer |
Sound | Kohei Tanaka | Music |
Visual Effects | Kazuya Tsurumaki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Makoto Yamada | Key Animation |
Writing | Shinji Higuchi | Storyboard |
Production | Kazuhiko Inomata | Producer |
Production | Yoshimi Kanda | Producer |