High school student Naoki Tomura grew up in a remote area in Hokkaido. He meets piano tuner Soichiro Itadori in school and eventually decides to work at Itadori’s musical instrument store. Tomura gradually grows as a piano tuner through his interactions with the other tuners and musician clients
Unfortunately the movie The Forest of Wool and Steel is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Hiroko Sebu | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Kojiro Hashimoto | Director |
Writing | Natsu Miyashita | Novel |
Writing | Arisa Kaneko | Screenplay |
Production | Yasushi Hashimoto | Producer |
Production | Akihiro Yamauchi | Producer |
Visual Effects | Ryô Matsumoto | Digital Compositor |
Production | Yûsuke Ishiguro | Producer |
Camera | Kosuke Yamada | Director of Photography |
Editing | Ryuichi Takita | Editor |
Sound | Shinichi Toyoda | Sound Recordist |