The film is based on the early autobiographical stories of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. A bright, emotionally rich movie about the childhood of a boy from a distant Altai village, about his family — his sister and mother, about work, holidays, joys and troubles of ordinary Russian peasants during the Great Patriotic War...
Unfortunately the movie Childhood Holidays is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Renita Grigoryeva | Director |
Sound | Pavel Chekalov | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Renita Grigoryeva | Writer |
Camera | Nikolai Puchkov | Director of Photography |
Sound | Mikhail Galudzin | Sound |
Editing | Galina Dmitriyeva | Editor |
Writing | Yuri Grigoryev | Writer |
Writing | Vasiliy Shukshin | Story |
Art | Galina Anfilova | Production Design |
Directing | Yuri Grigoryev | Director |