Inspired by the theatrical magicians Siegfried and Roy, this animated adventure transplants the stage personalities into a fantastical world called Sarmoti, where the once powerful witches and fairies of the land have had their magical abilities stolen by an invading race from Endland. Now, heroic magic wielders Siegfried, Roy, and Roy's magical white tiger Manticore are the only ones who can set things right - if they can just get along with each other.
Unfortunately the movie Siegfried and Roy: Masters of the Impossible is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Nathan Wang | Music |
Production | Ron Myrick | Producer |
Writing | Sean Roche | Writer |
Writing | Mark Hoffmeier | Writer |
Writing | Diane M. Fresco | Writer |
Production | Sean Roche | Producer |
Directing | Ron Myrick | Director |