First production by Directors' Company. A man stripped bare of all modern values lives in a pure form, like a beast, feeding and satiating his every primal desire whenever they may arise. He takes on a mate, a woman intrigued by his personage or lack thereof, and they live in his den in central Tokyo. As time goes on, we see how this animal clashes with modern man, and the consequences of their coexistance.
Unfortunately the movie Wolf: Running Is Sex is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Banmei Takahashi | Director |
Camera | Yuichi Nagata | Director of Photography |
Editing | Jun'ichi Kikuchi | Editor |
Sound | Shigeru Izumiya | Music |
Sound | Ryudo Uzaki | Music |
Writing | Satoshi Tomita | Screenplay |
Production | Kiyoshi Kurosawa | Production Assistant |
Production | Banmei Takahashi | Producer |
Lighting | Kazuhiro Miyoshi | Lighting Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Yuji Hayashida | Special Effects Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Azusa Shikawa | Special Effects Makeup Artist |
Camera | Yuji Moriya | Still Photographer |
Directing | Masayuki Suō | First Assistant Director |
Directing | Akira Yoneta | Assistant Director |
Directing | Atsuhiko Takagi | Assistant Director |
Camera | Akishi Taki | Assistant Camera |
Lighting | Ueda Shigeyuki | Lighting Technician |