The 20-minute animation that bridges the gap between the original Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2. Featuring Kat "Gravity Queen" and her friends Raven and Syd. Can they find more clues about the fearsome enemy threatening to unravel the fabric of the universe?
Unfortunately the movie Gravity Rush: The Animation - Overture is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Naoko Sato | Screenplay |
Art | Akira Amemiya | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Hiroyasu Kobayashi | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Yusuke Matsui | Storyboard Artist |
Sound | Kohei Tanaka | Original Music Composer |
Art | Yuji Kaneko | Art Direction |
Camera | Nanae Hirabayashi | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Yumi Ikeda | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Yutaka Izubuchi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Shigeto Koyama | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Manabu Kobayashi | CGI Director |
Writing | Keiichiro Toyama | Scenario Writer |
Writing | Keiichiro Toyama | Original Story |
Directing | Hiroyasu Kobayashi | Director |