A short comedy by Mike Leigh about the romance between a young woman and a man who communicates only through jokes and humor...
Unfortunately the movie The Short & Curlies is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Mike Leigh | Director |
Camera | Roger Pratt | Director of Photography |
Writing | Mike Leigh | Writer |
Costume & Make-Up | Lindy Hemming | Costume Designer |
Sound | Malcolm Hirst | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Rachel Portman | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Heather Storr | Script Coordinator |
Costume & Make-Up | Sandra Shepherd | Makeup Artist |
Sound | Donald Banks | Boom Operator |
Costume & Make-Up | Anthony Black | Costume Assistant |
Production | Katy Radford | Production Coordinator |
Editing | Jon Gregory | Editor |
Art | Diana Charnley | Production Design |
Production | Victor Glynn | Producer |
Production | Simon Channing Williams | Co-Producer |
Directing | Mark Sherwood | First Assistant Director |