Tsutomu (Kensaku Morita), an orphan who once stabbed a man, is released from a reformatory and goes to Tottori, on the Japan Sea coast, to enter a high school. On the beach, he meets a young fisherman, Yusuke (Norihiko Yamamoto) also a student of the same school. They become friends and Tsutomu is offered free board at Yusuke's home.
Unfortunately the movie High-School Outcasts is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Sachio Obi | Sound Mixer |
Writing | Kai Takizawa | Original Story |
Sound | Toshio Tanaka | Sound Recordist |
Writing | Azuma Morisaki | Screenplay |
Directing | Isao Kumagai | Assistant Director |
Lighting | Tadashi Tsubuki | Lighting Technician |
Production | Tsutomu Kamimura | Executive Producer |
Directing | Azuma Morisaki | Director |
Art | Kiminobu Satô | Art Direction |
Camera | Kenichi Yoshikawa | Director of Photography |
Editing | Akimitsu Terada | Editor |
Sound | Yasuhiro Koyama | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Isao Kumagai | Screenplay |