Meadow Bridge is a coming-of-age story that follows Darcy, a fourteen-year-old girl growing up in a small West Virginia town in the late 1990s. It's a story about growing up on the edge of poverty and possibility - about trying to reach out into the bigger world, while wrestling with where you're from.
Unfortunately the movie Meadow Bridge is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Melissa Rose | Producer |
Production | Sam Holdren | Producer |
Directing | Tijah Bumgarner | Director |
Camera | Siniša Kukić | Director of Photography |
Writing | Tijah Bumgarner | Writer |
Production | Robert Herrick | Producer |
Production | Tijah Bumgarner | Executive Producer |
Production | Jenna Skeen | Executive Producer |
Production | Cindy Chesler | Producer |
Production | Joe Solomon | Producer |
Production | Michael Summers | Executive Producer |
Editing | Jena Seiler | Editor |
Directing | Jason Lykens | Assistant Director |