In this animated short, a young couple washed onto a strange, inhospitable shore, attempts to transform the land into an Eden. Through great effort they prosper, learning to conquer nature and their environment. But what will their victory mean? Alternately a vision of paradise and purgatory, with allusions to the Book of Genesis and prehistory, the film tells the story of human beings and their conquests, offering a dark, critical view of the rise and fall of civilizations.
Unfortunately the movie The Conquerors is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Tibor Bánóczki | Director |
Writing | Sarolta Szabó | Writer |
Directing | Sarolta Szabó | Director |
Writing | Tibor Bánóczki | Writer |
Writing | Sarolta Szabó | Screenplay |
Writing | Tibor Bánóczki | Screenplay |
Production | Pascal Le Nôtre | Producer |
Production | Julie Roy | Producer |
Production | René Chénier | Producer |
Sound | Christopher White | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Stefan Smith | Sound |
Editing | Hervé Guichard | Editor |
Sound | Yoann Veyrat | Sound Mixer |
Visual Effects | Tibor Bánóczki | Animation |
Visual Effects | Sarolta Szabó | Animation |
Art | Sarolta Szabó | Decorator |
Visual Effects | Sarolta Szabó | Compositing Artist |
Art | Tibor Bánóczki | Decorator |
Visual Effects | Tibor Bánóczki | Compositing Artist |