The Devils of Loudun

The Devils of Loudun (1969)

  • Genre: Music, History, Drama
  • Release Date: 1969-07-02
  • User Rating: 8/10 from 1 ratings
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Production Company: Polyphon
  • Production Country: Germany
  • Director: Rolf Liebermann
star 8/10
From 1 Ratings


This opera revolves around the demonic collective possession suffered by the Ursuline nuns in the convent of Loudun in 1634. The story concentrates on the handsome but doomed Urbain Grandier who fights against fanaticism and evil.

The Devils of Loudun Trailer

Is The Devils of Loudun on HBO Max?

Unfortunately the movie The Devils of Loudun is not yet available on HBO Max.

  • Cvetka Ahlin

    as Claire - Ursuline Sister
  • Heinz Blankenburg

    as Mannoury - a surgeon
  • Ursula Boese

    as Louise - Ursuline sister
  • Franz-Rudolf Eckhardt

    as Clerk of the Count
  • Joachim Hess

    as d'Armagnac - the Mayor of Loudun
  • Andrzej Hiolski

    as Grandier - the vicar of St. Peter's Church
  • Ingeborg Kruger

    as Philippe - a young girl
  • Bernard Ładysz

    as Father Barré - the vicar of Chinon
  • Rolf Mamero

    as de Cerisay - town judge
  • Kurt Marschner

    as Adam - a chemist
  • Helmut Melchert

    as de Laubardemont - the King's special commissioner
  • Carl Schulz

    as Bontemps - a gaoler
  • Hans Sotin

    as Father Rangier
  • Elisabeth Steiner

    as Ninon - a young widow
  • Helga Thieme

    as Gabrielle - Ursuline sister
  • Tatiana Troyanos

    as Jeanne - the prioress of St. Ursula's Convent
  • Arnold Van Mill

    as Asmodeus
  • Ernst Wiemann

    as Father Ambrose - an old priest
  • Horst Wilhelm

    as Father Mignon - the Ursulines' father confessor
  • William Workman

    as Prince Henri de Conde - the King's special ambassador
Directing Rolf Liebermann Director
Writing Krzysztof Penderecki Writer
Sound Krzysztof Penderecki Music
Writing Aldous Huxley Writer
