In this exciting sequel to the popular samurai-ninja movie Ukyunosuke On Patrol, his mission to avenge his father's death continues. His discovery of a mysterious note written by his father, Inspector Sena, held a clue to the inspector's murder 18 years ago. As Ukyunosuke continues further with his investigation into the conspiracy to uncover the truth behind his father's death, he must confront those eager to take his life. The great Okawa Hashizo shines in one of his signature roles bringing the ultimate conclusion of this epic tale of murder and revenge!
Unfortunately the movie Ukyunosuke's Reverse Ichimonji Cut is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Yasuto Hasegawa | Director |
Writing | Norio Nanjō | Original Story |
Writing | Kōji Takada | Screenplay |
Sound | Hajime Kaburagi | Original Music Composer |
Lighting | Mitsuaki Maeda | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Shunichi Yasuda | Sound Recordist |
Editing | Kozo Horiike | Editor |